Client's Rights: Each client shall have the right to:
- impartial access to treatment regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, age, disability, or public assistance status.
- courtesy and respect of his/her personal dignity in the provision of all care and treatment.
- have reasonable accommodations made for those with communication impairments and those who speak a language other than English.
- receive a written statement of clients’ rights.
- have personal privacy assured and protected within the constraints of the treatment plan and applicable state and federal statutes and regulations. Woodland Centers’ Notice of Data Privacy Practices details the conditions under which protected health information may be used or disclosed; exceptions include laws which mandate the reporting of maltreatment of minors or vulnerable adults.
- physical privacy.
- request the opinion of a consultant at the client’s expense or to request an in-house review of the individual treatment plan as provided in specific Center procedures.
- refuse care or participate in treatment.
- request a change of location for services if client feels the scheduled location is unsafe.
- receive individualized treatment which shall include:
- the provision of adequate and humane services regardless of the sources of financial support;
- the provision of services within the least restrictive environment that is possible;
- the provision of an individual treatment plan;
- the active participation of clients over 12 years of age and their responsible parents or guardians in planning for treatment;
- the periodic review of your treatment plan; and
- the provision of an adequate number of competent, qualified, and experienced professional clinical staff to supervise and implement the treatment plan.
- as appropriate, you, your family, or your legal guardian will be fully informed about the following:
- your rights, including data privacy rights;
- the nature of care, procedures, and treatment that you will receive;
- the rules and regulations of the facility applicable to your conduct;
- the cost of services rendered, itemized when possible;
- the source of the facility’s reimbursement and any limitations placed on the duration of services;
- the professional staff members responsible for your care, their professional status, and their staff relationship;
- the reasons for any proposed changes in the professional staff responsible for the client for any transfer of the client either within or outside the facility;
- the current and future use and disposition of products of special observation and audiovisual techniques, such as one-way vision mirrors, surveillance cameras, tape recorders, television, movies, or photographs;
- the risks, side effects, and benefits of treatment procedures used, especially those that are manual or experimental;
- the alternative treatment procedures that are available;
- the right to refuse to participate in any research project without compromising his/her access to facility services;
- the right, to the extent permitted by law, to refuse specific treatment procedures;
- when the client refuses treatment, it is the responsibility of the facility to seek appropriate legal alternatives or orders of involuntary treatment or, in accordance with professional standards, to terminate the relationship with the client upon reasonable notice;
- the discharge plan;
- the plans for meeting and continuing mental and physical health requirements following discharge; and
- the right to initiate a complaint or grievance and the appropriate means of requesting a hearing or review of the complaint. Woodland Centers’ Client Grievances Procedures are posted in the reception areas of all Woodland Centers’ locations. A complaint regarding violations of any client’s rights, including data privacy rights, may be filed by contacting:
Woodland Centers’ Client Services Representative, P.O. Box 787,Willmar, MN 56201 (320- 235-4613) - If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint or grievance, you may register a complaint with:
Department of Human Rights, State Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155 (800-657-3704) or,
Division of Licensing, Department of Human Services Building, 444 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, MN 55155 (651-431-6500)
- receive services by staff who should under NO circumstances engage in sexual activities with you. This could include kissing, dating, sexual touching, sexual penetration, and/or engaging in any other form of sexual contact with you.
- receive services in a private, confidential area free from maltreatment by staff.
- contest the accuracy and completeness of the data maintained in the client record;
- confidential treatment of their personal and medical records and the approval or, under certain conditions, refusal of their release to any individual outside the facility;
- prompt and reasonable response to their questions and requests.
- restrictions to client rights by the license holder will be documented in the client’s file, including reasons for the restriction with approval from a licensed mental health professional.
Inpatient Rights: These are in addition to the above-mentioned rights:
- to have the physician's order restricting you to bed rest or prohibiting you from access to the outdoors reviewed every three days.
- to have planned daily activities and exercise periods if you are a multiply handicapped or nonambulatory client.
- to have your family and significant others, regardless of their age, visit you unless such visits are clinically contraindicated.
- to send and receive all mail without hindrance.
- to conduct private telephone conversations with family and friends unless clinically contraindicated.
- to visits at any time from your personal physician, religious advisor, or attorney. Any restrictions on other visitors, telephone calls, or other communications will be evaluated for therapeutic effectiveness by the clinically responsible staff at least once every seven days.
- to have suitable area provided for you to visit in private unless such privacy is contraindicated.
- to participate with your family, if so desired, in the determination of limitations on visitors, telephone calls, or other communications when necessary. All such restrictions shall be fully explained to you and your family.
Clients' Responsibilities: In keeping with the dignity and rights afforded to clients, it is expected that clients will assume certain responsibilities as well. These include:
- telling the person in charge of your care whether or not you think you can or want to follow a certain treatment plan.
- understanding your problems and your treatment plan. Understanding your problem is important to the success of your treatment plan. If you do not understand something, ask. Being a good client does not mean being a silent one.
- telling the person in charge of your care about any other care or medications you are receiving.
- telling the person in charge of your care exactly how you feel about the things that are happening in your life. Be honest and direct.
- reporting any changes in your health to the person in charge of your care.
- respecting the rights of other clients and staff using the facilities of this program.
- honoring and preserving the privacy of other clients.
- to contact the Center 24 hours prior to a scheduled appointment if you are unable to keep it.
Staff rights and Responsibilities: Staff have the right to privacy. Clients should use the Crisis line system rather than call their therapist at home. Staff have the right to seek consultation regarding each case. Staff have the right to recommend transfer or referral elsewhere if the treatment procedure with the client is not working effectively. Staff have the right to terminate a client’s session if the client arrives for an appointment under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and may refer the client to another program for their safety. Staff have the responsibility to report maltreatment of minors and maltreatment of vulnerable adults and threats to statutorily defined authorities. Staff have the responsibility to report to statutorily defined authorities if the client has committed or threatened to commit a crime either at the program or against any person who works for the program. Staff have the right not to be sexually harassed by the client. Staff have the responsibility not to be involved with the client in a sexual manner. Both of these could include kissing, dating, sexual touching, sexual penetration, and/or any other type of sexual contact with the client whether or not he/she is currently seeking treatment.
Community Based Services: Policies and procedures will be in place to ensure the health and safety of clients and staff during provision of services including community settings. It is the staff’s right to request a change of location for a community based service if they feel the environment is unsafe. Clients’ homes must have weapons locked up, pets must be kenneled, or in another room which is closed off, or in case of communicable diseases, the client and family members must be free from symptoms related to communicable diseases (i.e. Covid-19, Influenza, Tuberculosis, etc). Staff will contact local emergency services for assistance in case of any emergencies or threats to the safety of clients and/or staff.