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Adult Group Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This is a manualized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy group psycho-educational and depression management skills training program with group process. The program has 4 modules, with 4 lessons in each module. There is minimal homework for the clients to complete. This can be an adjunct to individual psychotherapy and/or as a step-down from a higher level of care.

The Modules

  • Thoughts: Learn to identify your thinking patterns and change the way you think.
  • Activities: Learn relaxation skills, ways to increase pleasant activities, and how to set meaningful and achievable goals.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Learn to identify strategies that work to improve your relationships with others, assertiveness skills, and how you handle conflict.
  • Depression and Health: Learn how sleep, diet, and exercise affect depression and your overall health.

Depression Management

Groups meet weekly at the Woodland Centers offices in Willmar or Litchfield. Each Module takes 4 meetings, so completion of all four modules takes about 4 months.

To participate in the training, you do not have to be involved with individual therapy or be taking medication but it is all right if you are.

Depression Management Training

  • Learn about depression and how to decrease the chances of becoming depressed in the future.
  • Learn what may have contributed to how your depression started and why it is difficult to get out of it.
  • Learn coping skills to manage your depression and reduce its negative effects on your life.

What is depression?

Depression is a condition that affects your thinking, emotions, and physical health.

Symptoms of depression include:

  • loss of energy
  • loss of interest in activities
  • sadness
  • changes in appetite and weight
  • problems focusing
  • self-criticism
  • hopelessness
  • withdrawal from others
  • irritability
  • problems making decisions
  • sleep problems
  • thoughts of death or suicide

Offering Hope, Care & Support

You are not alone! This is one of the most common reasons for not seeking help. Don’t let the fear and stigma of reaching out for help, depression and anxiety, or lack of resources, stop you from getting the needed health services to improve your life and achieve your future goals.

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