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Adult Day Treatment

One Adult Day Treatment group focuses on mental health and wellness education, motivational strategies toward recovery, and life goals, and there is an opportunity for active practice of physical fitness. Another Day Treatment group based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy is also offered. Skills training group is designed to treat people with severe dysfunction in coping, emotion management, and interpersonal relationships.

Adult day treatment is available in the following counties:

Please note: The group is held in these counties, but we welcome people from throughout our service area and beyond.

Offering Hope, Care & Support

You are not alone! This is one of the most common reasons for not seeking help. Don’t let the fear and stigma of reaching out for help, depression and anxiety, or lack of resources, stop you from getting the needed health services to improve your life and achieve your future goals.

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Help is available 24/7. Call the Crisis phone line at 1-800-432-8781
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